STAMPEDE2: A randomised controlled platform trial testing treatments in metastatic hormone sensitive prostate cancer

Trial Summary:

Studying Treatments in patients receiving androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) and androgen receptor signalling inhibitors (ARSI) for Metastatic Prostate Cancer: Evaluation of Drug and radiation Efficacy: A 2nd multi-arm multi-stage randomised controlled trial (STAMPEDE2)

Comparison S Prostate SABR/CRT QA summary:

All QA activity will be streamlined with previous trial QA, where applicable. Please contact the RTTQA Group directly using the contact details below to discuss.

QA ProcessQA ActivityRequired for TrialAdditional Details
Pre-AccrualFacility Questionnaire
Outlining Benchmark Case1 case per centre from the PI, to cover prostate and pelvic nodes. Streamlined (per PI) via NIHR prostate trials.
Planning Benchmark Case1 prostate SBRT case and 1 prostate and pelvic nodes CRT case per centre, subject to streamlining.
New benchmark only if centre has changed technique/equipment since (please discuss process with RTTQA contact)
Dummy Run
During AccrualIndividual Case ReviewProspective / Retrospective outlining and planning case reviews per treatment arm to be advised by RTTQA contact
Data collection
Dosimetry During accrualSubject to streamlining via audit from clinical trial QA groups and UK dosimetry audit network groups
QA StreamliningAll activitiesPACE-A/B/C, PACE-NODES, PEARLS, PIVOTALboost
Comparison S Oligomet SABR QA summary:

All QA activity will be streamlined with previous trial QA or SABR QA programmes, where applicable. Please contact the RTTQA Group directly using the contact details below to discuss.

QA ProcessQA ActivityRequired for TrialAdditional Details
Pre-AccrualFacility Questionnaire2024 SABR QA Programme: FQ required
Outlining Benchmark CaseAll centres should already have ≥2 clinicians approved through streamlining or cascade training. Benchmark only if centre has <2 clinicians accredited (1 case per anatomical site)
Planning Benchmark CaseAll centres should already be credentialed through streamlining. Benchmark only if centre has changed technique/equipment since (please discuss process with RTTQA contact)
Dummy Run
During AccrualIndividual Case ReviewProspective contouring: 1st patient per clinician, per anatomical site, subject to streamlining.
Prospective planning: 1st patient per anatomical site, subject to streamlining.
Retrospective: N/A
Data collection
Dosimetry Pre-accrual Lung or Spine SABR auditsLung audit: bone and node only
Spine audit: bone, node and spine
Subject to streamlining

RTTQA Contact:

Overall Co-Chief Investigators: Professor Nick James, Professor Gert Attard

Comparison S Chief Investigators: Professor Nick van As, Dr Hoda Abdel-Aty

Sponsor: MRC University College London

Funder: CRUK, Novartis/AAA, Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, UKRI MRC