A phase III trial of intensity-modulated proton beam therapy versus intensity-modulated radiotherapy for multi-toxicity reduction in oropharyngeal cancer.

Trial summary:

The TORPEdO trial compares toxicity outcomes at 12 months for patients with oropharyngeal cancer, randomised to either photons (IMRT) or protons (IMPT). Randomisation has a 2:1 weighting in favour of proton treatment. A total of 183 patients will be recruited.

RT QA summary:

All QA activity will be streamlined with previous trial QA, where applicable. Please contact the RTTQA Group directly using the contact details below to discuss

QA ProcessQA ActivityRequired for TrialAdditional Details
Pre-AccrualFacility Questionnaire
Outlining Benchmark Case
Planning Benchmark Case
Dummy Run
During AccrualIndividual Case ReviewProspective: Outlining for all patients, planning for first case.
Retrospective: all patients
Data collectionAll plans, replans and CBCT data
QA StreamliningCompARE, NIMRAD, DARS and PATHOS

RTTQA contact: torpedoqa.enh-tr@nhs.net
Chief investigator: Dr David Thomson (The Christie NHS Foundation Trust)
Sponsor: The Institute of Cancer Research (TORPEdO-icrctsu@icr.ac.uk)
Funder: Cancer Research UK