PROton beam Therapy (PBT) vs Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) in Sinonasal cancer (PROTIS)

Trial Summary:

PROTIS is a Phase III, multicenter, randomized controlled trial comparing proton beam therapy (PBT) to photon radiotherapy (IMRT) in patients with non-metastatic sinonasal cancer. The primary objective is to determine which modality improves disease-free survival. 276 patients with sinonasal squamous cell carcinoma or adenocarcinoma, meeting specific staging criteria, will be recruited from multiple sites across the UK.

RT QA Summary:

All QA activity will be streamlined with previous trial QA, where applicable. Please contact the RTTQA Group directly using the contact details below to discuss.

QA ProcessQA ActivityRequired for TrialAdditional Details
Pre-AccrualFacility Questionnaire
Outlining Benchmark Case2 Cases
Planning Benchmark Case1 Case
Dummy Run
During AccrualIndividual Case ReviewProspective: All outlines, at least first 3 IMRT/PBT plans

Retrospective: All other plans
Data collection
Dosimetry Pre-accrual Lung or Spine SABR audits
QA StreamliningAll activitiesDARS, PATHOS, TORPEdO CompARE, TORPEdO, ADePT-DDR, Nimrad

RTTQA Contact:

Chief Investigator: Professor David Thomson & Mr Jason Fleming

RT Lead: Dr James Price

Sponsor: The Christie NHS Foundation Trust

Funder: Cancer Research UK (CRUK)